Wednesday, April 13, 2016

My Life My Experience

My Life My Experience
By Tiara Ristyana
Once upon a time, there was a handsome guy named Edwin who already success at his career. Someday, he went to his primary school to remind his childhood memories that happened at that school.  Arrived at school, we walked through the classes, looked inside the class in detail and suddenly his step stopped for a moment in the certain class. That class reminded him to his past when he was in the primary school. In that class he learned so many subjects and also in that class every moment was happened. The moments that made him felt sad, happy, upset, etc. Like there was a moment where he got a bad score of his examination and he felt so sad about that. When he was alone, his teacher approached him and asked to him “what happened to you?” and I just said briefly “Am just tired” and then I left her.
Arrived home, I thought that I have to get up for repair my score. Don’t to fall into the same whole. Tomorrow when I went to school, I had a motivation that I should to be better than before. When there was a free time, I went to the library to learn more about my subjects, especially mathematic subject. I felt tired and I went home. At home, I ate lunch together with my family. After that I went to the market traditional. In there, someone offered me to play a game which I didn’t know what kind of game is that. When I played it with some of people, suddenly the police came to the market to arrest the people who played that game. Everyone was run out, while me? I was confused where I should go and I was stick at that place where I stood. I was unlucky because the police arrested me. After that, the police took me to the police station but they just gave me some advice that I should not played on that game. And than I may go home and I could go back to school.
25 years ago, I already become a man. A man who had a job and many complicated problems that I had to solve it. There was a problem that I couldn’t solve it, it was very annoyed me. I couldn’t focus than I decided to go the traditional market, the place that I ever visited when I had a problem. In there, someone offered me to play a game which I didn’t know what kind of game is that. It was remind me of my past. When I played it with some of people, suddenly the police came to the market to arrest the people who played that game. Everyone was run out, while me? I was confused where I should go and I was stick at that place where I stood. I was unlucky because the police arrested me. They took me to the police station.
Everything was fine until in the middle of the road in a curve, there was a truck going high speed. The driver was drunk and the moment their car turned the curve at the high speed. Edwin didn’t have a seat belt so when the truck hit them…..he flew through the window and landed miles away. And what happened to the police? They got stuck inside the car. There was someone who saw the accident, her name is Danita. Danita stopped her car and tried to help with what she could. She saw that Edwin threw miles away and screamed loud for asking help to someone. Suddenly, people came to take them to the hospital and she followed them to go to the hospital.
She waited for their medicinal treatment especially for Edwin because she waited in front of Edwin’s room. She looked worry about Edwin, because was the person who got the wound which was severe enough.
 “God, please save them. Give them strength to pass all of this” she said with the trembling voice.
When the doctor out from the Edwin’s room, she directly asking to the doctor about Edwin’s condition.
                “Doctor, how his condition?” said her with anxiety which looked at her face.
                “He is fine but there is a wound which is severe enough on his legs, but you don’t need to worry about. We can handle it. Anyway, who are you? His family?” said the Doctor.
                “No no, am just his friend” she smiled and said it briefly. “Okay, I have to go now. Excuse me” said the Doctor.
She looked Edwin in the mirror of the door. She wanted to enter the room but she little bit afraid, afraid that she would disturb him. Finally, she took the brave to enter the room. She saw Edwin in a weak condition. She spoke alone “you have to be strong even your condition is weak and you get severe wound” but Edwin didn’t wake up, he was still in unconscious condition. Danita wanted to go home because it was already 7 pm but a part of his soul still wanted to be here, wanted to accompany Edwin in the hospital. She fell silent for a while and finally she decided to go home.
She drove a car while she was still thinking of Edwin. Arrived home, she took a bath and had dinner. After went to sleep, but she could not. She was still thinking about Edwin until she asked herself.
                “What happened with my mind? Why I always thinking about him. I even did not know who he is. Is there something wrong with me or with him? Aaarrgghhh its just waste my time.” she tried to forget him and then she slept.
Now, it was Friday. She got a free time from her office. She thought that she should go to the hospital to meet Edwin and knew about his condition. It takes 2 hours from her office to the hospital. It made her a bit tired to drive a car. Arrived at the hospital, she went to Edwin’s room. She entered the room and she saw Edwin for the first time. Her heart suddenly stopped beating. She looked so nervous when Edwin stared at her eyes. She began to talk the conversation.
                “Are you okay? Ohya I forgot to introduce you. My name is Danita. Am the person who saw your accident and brought you and the police to the hospital.” She explained it clearly and tried to convince him.
                “Oh thank you so much to help and took me to the hospital. You save my life.  I don’t know if the helper comes late to help me. Once again, thank you so much Danita.” He smiled at me with the feeling of relief.
                “Okay, you are welcome. By the way, where is your family? I didn’t see them until now.” said Danita.
                “I don’t know. Perhaps, they don’t know that I got accident and I couldn’t contact one of my families. I don’t know how.” He looked anxious, sad, and like there was something that he thought.
                “I will accompany you here. You don’t need to worry. I will be there for you” said Danita with the flowers feeling.
They spoke like someone who already knew each other and the conversation between them looked like an intimate person who shared everything to each other. It made her feeling increasingly become more interested with Edwin. She looked Edwin like a guy who had sense of charismatic, so perhaps that’s why she always thinking about him, made her crazy.
The time showed at 4 pm and we tired because we were talking too much and Edwin asked me to go out, to the garden near the canteen. He asked me to put him on the wheelchairs. It was a good idea, the atmosphere in the garden could make our mind became fresh and didn’t feel like we were sick. In the garden Edwin told me his story about his childhood.
                “This garden reminds me about my childhood memories. My family and I spent much time together in the garden which full of flowers. We sang a song, shared everything about our life, and we took a picture. At that time I felt very happy to see my family together in this place” he said with the innocent face.
                “I felt the same as you. I ever go to garden with my family. We did something fun there and that was my quality time with my family because now everyone is busy with their work, so they don’t have much time for their family.” She said sadly, looked that she could felt the same thing as Edwin’s family.
They already spent times together in the hospital. It made Edwin felt something weird inside his heart. Could be love? Perhaps it could. Edwin start to think of her, imagine when they spent time together and then he smiled because blushed. He was happy when Danita beside him. He always waited for Danita but Danita didn’t come. He still optimized that Danita would come to visit him. It took 3 hours for him to wait for Danita until suddenly he got sleep.
Actually Danita was at home. There was something happened with her. She shut herself in the room, didn’t want to meet everyone. Her room was so dark and messy. There were papers in everywhere. Her room described her feeling at that time. She wanted to flare up her annoyance, she didn’t know with whom she would to flare up her annoyance. No one could handle it. She wanted to go to hospital to meet Edwin but it was impossible because she didn’t want to make Edwin hurt if he knew this fact. But in hospital, Edwin felt so worry about Danita. He afraid that there was something bad happened with Danita. He went to the receptionist table and he asked.
She stood up in the window with the face full of problem. The problem was on Danita’s mom. Her mom wanted her to marriage with another guy while her heart and her thought was on Edwin, he was one and only guy who could make her heart fast beaten when they met for the first time.
                “Excuse me, did you see a girl who always accompany me and together with me?” he said that someone who saw Danita in the hospital.
                “Sorry, we didn’t see that girl in here” said the nurses.
He felt disappointed with the answer but he could do anything because he didn’t have any information about Danita, even where she lived or her phone number. He didn’t know. So he just wait for the miracle that someday Danita would come to visit him again.
At home, Danita accepted her mom’s cured. She accepted with the forced because she didn’t love that guy, she didn’t know about that guy but her mother threats her if she didn’t want to accept the guy.
                “What should I do? I am so confuse to choose between my love and my family.  It is difficult to consider. I hope my decision is the best decision I ever made.” She tried to convince herself and tried to forget all of her memories with Edwin.
Today, Edwin was picked up by the police and his family from the hospital. He still to be arrested by the police because of his case last day in the traditional market. He waited for Danita but she would not come to the hospital. So, he just entrust the latter for Danita to the nurse. But actually, at the same time it was a Danita’s wedding. They forgot one another by forced because they could not do anything to fight for their love.
                Edwin didn’t go to his home because he should go to the police station because of his problem with the police. He arrested by the police was about 5 months. After the detention, he could go home. Arrived at home, he sat down at the corner. He looked like thought about something. He went to some place in a hurry. Apparently, he went to his primary school. In there, he walked through the classes and started to bring back all his memories when he was in primary school.

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